Change Your Life.
Change Our World.

Learn the step-by-step skill set needed to develop your inner guidance system, recognize the patterns that limit you, and find yourself.

Learning a new skill set requires a system.

Your evolution and the expression of your highest self is the key to unlocking your real contribution and impact. This will require a new skill set. Through my coaching, you’ll gain an understanding of the systematic tools needed to develop your intuition so you can gain certainty, clarity and find true fulfillment.

"Your well-being is the foundation of your purpose."
"The next step to enlightenment is constantly accessible now."
"Matter is light that has taken form. So are you."
"Change YOUR life. Change our world."
"Find for yourself what meaning means."
"Biology is the surface of nature. Being transcends biology."
"Whatever your passion and purpose, you have the capacity."
"Acceptance is a psychological art. It is the foundation of strength."
"Everyone can. Very few choose the courage to."
"Our responsibility is to courageously own and fulfill our potential."
"Truth is like the thing you secretly yearn for most. But better. "
"Action is an effect. Cause is deeper."
"A valid paradigm is the basis for a life of meaning."
"Find your real life. Accept nothing less."
"Power produces happiness when it comes from your real core."
"Dream and know that you can and you’re worthy."
"Don’t do anything to feel better. Do it all to feel even better."
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About Me

Hey friend, my name is Vaughn Gray

And, if you’ve built a life that most would dream of but still feel empty inside despite your success, know that you’re in the right place. I’ve been there! And I’ve spent the last 15 years of my life learning how to listen to my deeper self, follow authentic inner guidance, and find real meaning. My calling in my work is to help you do the same.

Let me guess, from the outside,
your life SEEMS incredible.

But, despite this something is still missing. You feel like everything you achieve makes little or no difference to yourself or to others. Perhaps you’ve found that with each success the internal voices that criticize ring louder than the voices that celebrate. And that nothing is ever – truly – enough.

Even though you KNOW you should feel proud of yourself and the life you’ve achieved, you keep running into the same problem:

Nothing has ever silenced the doubt or filled the void inside for long and you can’t shake the fear that nothing ever will.

Does that sound familiar?

I know it does, because that’s exactly what I experienced. I was an ultra-high achiever. Yet, regardless of my success a lingering emptiness kept me from finding meaning in anything I did.

That’s when I committed to change. The question was:  How?

I wasn’t willing to completely upend my way of life, becoming a monk who meditates 18 hours a day hoping to find answers. So, instead, I leaned into my academic and scientific background and blended it with tools from the transformational and coaching worlds to develop a different approach. A systematized process with a clear outcome: the development of an intuitive skill set that reliably led me towards truly fulfilling accomplishment and change. 

Through my commitment to this process, I finally EXPERIENCED meaning within every aspect of my life, and I knew that every other living person was capable of doing the same.

As you deepen and expand in coaching, our work will evolve through stages:

Gaining Clarity

We get clear on what you want and what’s in the way.

Learning New Skills

I teach you tools for getting out of your head so old patterns can calm down and we can begin writing new patterns.

Guided Practice

You practice, learning to catch your old patterns when they come up. You see them more clearly. You gain skill in breaking these patterns.


You begin to recognize the intuition and wisdom underneath your programming and patterns. You start turning to your intuition more and old patterns of analysis less.

Creating Breakthroughs

You become more and more able to break through your own limiting patterns and beliefs during coaching sessions. Then you begin to break through your patterns on your own.

Identifying True Desires

You identify you real desires with increasing clarity. You begin to experience deeper meaning, connection, and fulfillment.

Your Life Changes and – Through You – the World Around You Changes.

Life becomes richer, more like play, and more purposeful at the same time. You feel more awake and alive and know that this is possible for others. You become a model, an inspiration, and a driving force for the world around you to make changes like you have.

Imagine finally being able to…​

It all starts with a commitment to change.​​

Without it you’ll stay:​

It’s time to take that first step.​

All progress begins with commitment to a process. The first part of this process is to have a conversation to experience what it’s like to work with me. If you decide to move forward with the process that I’ll guide you through, I guarantee you’ll discover the strength within to uncover who you really are, and with this, your true, boundless potential.